
Editorial Services

Editorial Services

Whether you’re at the very beginning of your writing journey or almost ready to hit print, an editor will enhance your finished project. From the most complex form of editing to an initial report on a manuscript, I offer a range of services to suit all publication needs.

Please let me know which type of editorial service you’re after when filling in the contact form or, if you’re unsure, a good idea of what you’re hoping to achieve together.


Structural editing


Relevant for those who haven’t had any feedback on their work (you may have had
a friend or loved one read your MS, but no other professional editor has been involved) and when you’re looking for big-picture feedback. This is the most complex form of editing and subsequently the most time consuming. It involves commenting on character development, plot holes or extra information needed, the organisation of information, pacing, weeding out repetition and unnecessary information, and looking at the narrative flow.

I’d work with you to implement my feedback and take it to a stage ready for
line editing (aka Copy-editing).

In most cases, I work with clients on a structural edit before taking on a copy-edit for them.




Perfect for those who are happy with where their text is at i.e., any issues relating to chapter development, structure and the book’s organisation have been addressed. Copy-editing means you’re looking for an editor to give the tone, language usage and grammar a good polish. It’s most relevant to those who have had others readers (these could be fellow writers, friends or editors) comment on their text already.




A final read through for typos, incorrect use of grammar, punctuation and any other red herrings. Your project is almost ready to go, but you want an experienced editor to cast their eagle eye over it. Proofreading usually takes place when your text has been laid in a design i.e. the editor will make sure nothing unusual has slipped in during typesetting, nothing has fallen off the page, the page numbering on your contents matches your chapters, captions (if any) make sense etc.


Manuscript assessment


A reader’s report (typically one to two pages) with in-depth comments on the strengths and weaknesses of your manuscript, suitability for your target readership and the market, suggestions for improving the story and any obvious issues relating to theme, character or plot. Best undertaken early on in the writing process so you can incorporate feedback into your manuscript before seeking other editorial services.




Are you looking for a words maven to sing the praises of your brand / product / event and devise sparkling copy to showcase it to its fullest? As well as editing, I offer a range of copywriting services from polishing CVs and crafting web content to writing text for brochures, ads and catalogues. Let me know what you want your project to achieve and I’ll create a message to entice the right customers.